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Matt Homes

“Open and honest communication is what I love. If you're looking for a guest comfortable talking about anything, hope you take a look.”


About Me

Lawrence Kansas based writer, currently working on books and podcasting. At the age of 35 I’m trying to put more light out into the world. Working on myself and my battles with my mental health, I believe in improving not just yourself but those around you. I enjoy talking about self-help, relationships, sexuality, the human experience, and motivation because that’s where I found my way back to writing.

I Host, The Homes Room Podcast, where our topics range from parent life to current events. sexuality and openness are topics have been the subject of some of the gusts I've been lucky to talk to. Most importantly if you love growing through a healing path, let's talk.

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On this episode of Homes Room, we have a writer, director, producer, and all around badass with a camera, The Sea Monstrosity.  We talk about pushing through to get to your goals. Some of the best advise she's gotten as a writer and taking risks to get her work out there.   Take a look at some of the beautiful work from Sea Monstrosity or to show her support follow the links. Sea Mo Aldermoon — Bio Site Instagram (@sea_monstrosity) • Instagram photos and videos  Remember to follow Homes Room for clips and more information. Drop us questions or topic ideas. we'd love to hear from you.   (@mhomeswriter) • Instagram photos and videos   

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