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Mary Colak

“An educator, and consultant, my mission is to share my vast expertise and knowledge in the world of business with my planned 5-book series.”


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Learn How to Better Manage Your Time with Beyond Success: Acquiring Time, by Mary Colak, Now Available!

In today’s fast-paced world, where time blurs hours into days, “What does time mean to you? Is it robbing, killing, or controlling you? Is it saving you?”

In Mary Colak’s new book, Beyond Success: Acquiring Time, she explores such enduring questions and more with the intent to help readers better understand, “the only option to get the most value from our time is to control how we use our time.”

 “Controlling our time is within our power, and becoming a wise time manager is within our reach,” said Colak, who has earned a Master Certificate in LEAN and a Certified Management Consultant designation. “When we master our time, we get more done, become energized, and get to do more of the things we enjoy – we don’t hear the clock ticking away the seconds.”

Incredibly relevant to what’s happening today, the looming recession, persistent delays in air travel, and delays in global supply chains, etc., throughout the book, readers are given unique insights into time management and time-wasting.

 “When you get it right, the process of time management leads to working smarter, not harder, and getting more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high,” concludes Colak. “My number one goal is to help you turn your time into an ally and inspire you to use your time wisely.” Beyond Success: Acquiring Time, is available everywhere online including Indigo, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

About Mary Colak – Mary Colak is a writer, educator, and consultant, who has made it her mission to share her vast expertise and knowledge in the world of business with her planned five-book series. Her first book, Beyond Success: Considerations in Making Money, was released in early 2022. Beyond Success: Acquiring Time, is her second book in the series. With over 20 years of experience as a management consultant, she has a proven track record of successfully developing and implementing strategies that achieve and sustain organizational objectives in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

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