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Martin John

“Engaging, fun, an irreverent sense of humour and a perfect face for podcasts.”


About Me

Martin was born in Wales (think Tom Jones, Antony Hopkins and Bonnier Tyler - though he's nothing like them). He spent his childhood living the simple life with an overbearing mother, a well-read father, and discovered that gambling on horse-racing doesn't pay.


In his 20's he became an economic migrant moving to England (of all places) and in a romantic nadir, went on a tv dating show watched by 9mn people.


He has spent his entire career working in Procurement and Operations functions for large corporates where he was responsible for far too much money, and too many people. The skills he honed the most in these roles were negotiation, assertiveness, and getting away with presentations to senior management by the seat of his pants.


He has recently left the corporate world to set up his own management training business ( and hopes that he is not divorced and bankrupt in 12 months' time due to its failure.


He is passionate about Procurement and people, and is curious as to why some people treat others differently the higher they rise up the corporate ladder. Martin does not like that, believing instead that treating others with respect, building trust and behaving with integrity, is everything.


Outside of business, Martin is married with 2 teenage children (the latter of which he views as an incredibly complicated project). He loves keeping fit, watching horse-racing, sailing, rugby and music of all kinds.

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