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Martamaria Kupeczik

“I'm an experienced podcast guest with public speaking experiences. A published book chapter of mine became a postgraduate teaching material”


About Me

I am a narcissistic abuse victim turned empathy researcher who passionately loves to teach ordinary people how to become an "everyday profiler".

All this by sharing useful experiences, explaining via breath taking stories how to keep dangerous personalities out of your way.

Though audiences are fascinated by dangerous personalities, they don't realise that there is no spotlight on them in everyday life like in the movies, and they more often blend in than not.

We often blame ourselves to late for missing the mania lurking inside unsuspecting individuals.

We could have known that the charismatic leader had the characteristics of a tyrant, or we everyday people can identify threats from those who are poised to devastate lives on a daily basis—the relentless co-workers, out-of-control family members, or crazy neighbours!

To identify the four most common "dangerous personalities", the so called Cluster B's (the extreme Narcissist, the Psychopath, the Paranoid, and the Unstable Personalities) are possible to assess — and to analyse their potential threat level. There are tricks to protect ourselves straight away and in the long-term from them. It is possible to heal the trauma of being exposed to the destructive egos in our world and enjoy the gift of post traumatic growth.

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