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Marnie Swedberg

“Riveting Aha-Insights. Analogies. Stories. Strategies. Mentor to 15,000+ Leaders Worldwide. Entrepreneur. Author. Speaker. Friendly. Fun.”


About Me

Marnie Swedberg is an international leadership mentor, the author of 14 books, the host of her own radio talk show, a media expert, and a keynote speaker for organizations around the world.

Fun and fast-paced, yet peaceful and approachable, her history includes fires, floods, a tornado, car wrecks, business set-backs, a burglary, lightning strike, ambulance rides and more. She models come-back behavior, possibility thinking, and profound faith.

She owned and operated businesses in the restaurant and retail industries for over a decade and is now the webhostess of, the largest online directory of Christian Women Speakers in the world. The website connects event planners with speakers from every experience level, fee range, and denomination and currently features over 1000 speakers.

As a public speaker herself, Marnie recently solo-circumnavigated the globe, speaking 26 times at six conferences in four countries. She has presented for large corporations including Honeywell, Prudential, and Pillsbury; for non-profit groups including Chambers of Commerce, Professional Women’s groups, colleges and libraries. and for Christian women’s retreats, conferences, and other programs.

As a media personality, she hosts a #1 ranked and featured Blog Talk Radio talk show plus has appeared on hundreds of podcasts, TV and radio shows, and is frequently interviewed for newspaper, magazine, and blog articles.

Invite Marnie for a riveting conversation of benefit to every listener.


Sample Questions:

- Branding: What makes branding work (Body Electric) and why should we explore, embrace, and emphasize our unique perspectives, interests, and styles?

- Leadership: You talk about leading like Jesus. What does that look like in 2023?

- Entrepreneurship: What are entrepreneurial best practices related to prioritization, scheduling and delegation for maximum results?

- Business: What is the #1 key to success in any business? (ROI) How do we get there? (Offering a needed service)

- Organization: What are some of your favorite organizational strategies and tech tools?

- Personal Power: You have a training program called the 5 Levels of Personal Power. What’s that about? What are the five levels?

- Social Media Sharing: You have a tens-of-thousands of social connections and you claim to spend less than 15 minutes a day on your social sharing. How are you doing that?

- Faith: You’ve lived through fires, floods, and family deaths – yet your faith is strong and you love life. What are some secrets you can share with us?

- Collaboration: You compare collaboration and teamwork to a functioning physical body. What’s that all about? Why that analogy?

- Time Management: What are some of your favorite time management strategies, and can you address procrastination?

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