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Marie Mosley

“Hi, I'm Marie the author of pretty divorce. I help women coming out of toxic relationships, heal and create brighter futures for themselves.”


About Me

My name is Marie, and I am the Author of pretty divorce. I was a mom at fourteen years old and stayed in a very toxic relationship for twenty-five years, and had three more children. This relationship consisted of domestic violence, drugs, alcohol, infidelity on both parts, and so much more. As much as people believe side relationships are bad, and I will say I have to agree, for the most part, however, I must admit my side relationship saved my life. I was able to come out of the relationship, with a master's degree and become a school counselor. I was also able to love again and allow someone to truly love me. My book depicts my story from the beginning. How I grew up without my father after he dies, my mom left with six children, the tragic death of my sister and niece, being a teenage mom, and the side relationship that saved me from suicide. But the main premise is about divorce from all toxic relationships and other toxic situations that deserve a divorce. I believe all women have the ability to come out of toxic relationships, create brighter futures for themselves, and have healthy relationships with men that truly love them if they so choose to do so. And now I'm on a mission to show them how.

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