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Marco Yim

“Huge nerd about customer success, communications, and job searching. I've walked a non-linear career path and embrace it 100%. Let's chat!”


About Me

Hi! You're here to learn more about me, so I'll jump right in 🙂

I've always had many passions and loved exploring how I could use my skills in completely different contexts. But to give you a quick overview, my experiences fall quite nicely into three distinct areas: career communications, customer success and support, as well as technical writing. 

👨🏻‍🏫 Career Communications 

I founded Extempra! What was initially a series of free workshops that I facilitated for years became a company dedicated to helping professionals speak with confidence and credibility through workshops and one-on-one coaching. Check out my website at! 

I am obsessed with helping people prepare to adapt during interviews, use the way we communicate to nurture customer relationships and to speak with impact in front of large audiences! 

💁🏻‍♂️ Customer Success 

I've been involved in customer success and support for start-ups and medium-sized companies in both B2B and B2C capacities. Currently, I'm the Director of Customer Success at Local Line 🚜 The best part of CS is building strong relationships with customers and seeing them love your company and product even more. Above all, I want all the customers I work with to have a delightful and thoughtful customer experience each time they interact with our company. 

Through my time in CS, I've also specialized in operationalizing processes to make sure companies can scale while maintaining the authentic touch that you get when dealing with a smaller team. 

📝 Technical Writing

I began my career in technical writing. It taught me everything I knew about formatting, writing concisely, and thinking from an end-user perspective. 

The Bottom Line? 

I'm a passionate ambivert that loves to create seamless and engaging experiences everywhere I go, whether that's customers or workshop participants.

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