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Lisa Kwong

“Lisa Kwong is the founder of the exciting Canadian-based ethical, sustainable and charitable fashion brand, SOWNSMITH, launched in 2022.”


About Me

SOWNSMITH, the Calgary-based fashion brand, is turning heads! Founded by Lisa Kwong in 2022, SOWNSMITH’s Fall/Winter 2023 line features designs that are modern and minimal and yet also timeless, elevated and relaxed. Created from bamboo and ethically made in Canada, the collection includes all your favorite sweatwear pieces, along with a few contemporary reinterpretations. Consider the flattering wide leg sweatpants or short sleeve sweatshirt or sweat shorts.  

It’s rare to find a fashion brand that’s ethical AND charitable. All their fabric is sourced in, and clothing made in Ontario, Canada. Their commitment to remaining charitable means they continue to dedicate resources to combat human trafficking and raise awareness of this global concern. SOWNSMITH allocates 7% of their profits to support local and international organizations dedicated to eradicating modern day slavery. By choosing the brand SOWNSMITH, people can be assured that they have sown well - they support a company with ethical practices, an eco-friendly approach, quality products and contribute to bringing freedom to those who are being trafficked.

SOWNSMITH was born out of Lisa’s heartfelt desire to merge her passions to make a deliberate impact in the world. It is an expression of her heart as a social justice advocate, a creator, a believer in simplicity and quality, and a devoted mom to three daughters. The company represents Lisa’s personal journey to become a SOWNSMITH herself - someone who has stewarded what she has been blessed with to create something that not only adds beauty and value to others but upholds integrity in the process and results in bringing freedom to others. That continues to be an important narrative to share, and we’d love if you could as well!

Lisa and her clothing line recently turned heads when she made guest appearances at the following:

The Calgary Herald (July 22)

Breakfast Television (July 27)

QR Calgary FM (July 31)

“Living a Creative Life” web series (Aug 15)

Discover More

Sownsmith - Ethical Clothing. Made in Canada. Sustainable Fabrics.

Feel good in effortless and timeless styles ethically made in Canada with 7% of profits given to help rescue people from trafficking.

Profile artwork for Lisa Kwong
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