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Lee Makarwich

“I talk to fathers about what it means to be a dad in this modern world, juggling personal values with current-era expectations.”


About Me

Growing up in Dallas Fort Worth, wasn't easy for me. I grew up poor and, as a result, got into a lot of trouble in my teens and early 20s. I was constantly getting into fights, doing drugs, selling drugs, and hanging with the wrong people.

Then it got worse, I started to succeed at all of those terrible habits.

Making money, not evolving as a man, continued for a short amount of time before I hit the brick wall. Thankfully, I turned it around. Day by day, I taught myself how to work hard and become a man.

Now, I'm working hard to be the best possible father for my son. And, even though I've made some mistakes in the past, everyday I work to become a better person than yesterday.

This journey led me to create The Dad Hat podcast, where I talk to fathers about what it means to them, to be good fathers in this day and age.

Come share in their stories with me.

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