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Laurence Rudolph

“I have patented a process to replace multiple-choice tests for screening applicants to colleges, the armed services, jobs, and other uses.”


About Me

I am passionate in my belief that multiple-choice tests are a poor way to measure an individual's abilities. The standard format of a four option test item is subject to a 25% chance that an individual can select the correct guess without actually knowing the correct answer. My process rules out guessing and ensures a more valid metric.

My qualifications include:

  • PhD in Statistics and Measurement
  • Licensed school psychologist
  • Twelve years at the Xerox International Training Center designing and implementing skills evaluation
  • Research faculty at Virginia Tech
  • BA in Economics
  • Fully equipped studio with high quality condenser microphone, high definition camera, 300 meg Fios internet, green screen, and 3 key lighting
  • Seasoned public speaker

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