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Kyle Canon

“Hi! I am the author of intelligent and believable erotic romance that allows the reader to explore and question their boundaries.”


About Me

Kyle Canon writes intelligent, erotic/romance novels. His writing has been described as '...slow foreplay; building until the reader is breathless with need.' His books and stories often take place in locations in which he and his wife are intimately familiar. From Chicago to Hawaii and nudist resorts in Florida he paints a picture with his words that is easy to imagine.

His writing brings the reader into a world of sexual exploration. Using sex positive language and strong female characters he challenges his readers to view non-monogamous relationships in a new light. His books and short stories are an erotic journey into partner swapping, BDSM and the swinger lifestyle - often told from the perspective of a couple first testing the waters. His characters are believable, the people next door, possibly your neighbors.

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