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Kim Lengling

“Author and Podcast host tossing Nuggets of Hope to make the world a better place. The newest book coming in 2023, Paw Prints on the Couch.”


About Me

Energetic and open guest. I have a passion for spreading and sharing nuggets of hope.Sharing my faith, nature, love of animals, and as a veteran living with PTSD, I toss Nuggets of Hope out in the world, letting people know they are not out there alone.

When life took a turn, I used what I have learned over the past 25+ years in the corporate world as the foundation for building my own dream. One of writing, podcasting and hosting a radio show, sharing not only my story, but others as well. Building platforms that help others, including authors, to share their story and to spread hope. 

I've been a co-author in eight anthologies, am the lead author and coordinator of a collaborative 3-book faith-based series titled When Grace Found Me, the host of the podcast Let Fear Bounce, host of The Write Stuff, The Author’s Voice TV Show with the Believe In Your Dreams TV Network and a co-host of a weekly radio show, Voices4Vets.

You can regularly find me taking walks with my rescue dog, Dexter, reading, drinking coffee, and jotting down story ideas about my Realm. In addition to writing and being the Queen of my Realm, Ii am a 20+ year advocate for veterans living with PTSD and send monthly care packages to active-duty military for over 20 years.

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