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Kevin Burk

“Solve the Happiness Problem by playing the Human. Game™ — an astrology-based reality role playing game — and find the FUN in your life.”


About Me

How to Solve the Happiness Problem with the Human Game™

The Human Game is a philosophy based on the idea that the Universe is made up of stories. Story is the smallest practical unit of reality. When you understand how story works, you understand how reality works—and when you improve your story, you improve your reality. 

To solve the happiness problem we first need to understand the difference between a problem and an obstacle

An obstacle is anything that interferes with your ability to achieve an external goal. Anything that stands between you and something you want is an obstacle.

A problem is anything that interferes with your happiness. 

Just because something is an obstacle doesn’t mean it has to be a problem. An obstacle is only a problem if not getting what you want means you won’t be happy. 

Part of the happiness problem is that getting what you want doesn’t make you happy. 

It’s true that getting what you want doesn’t make you happy. But getting what you want doesn’t prevent you from being happy, either. Getting what you want is fun. But getting what you want has nothing to do with feeling happy. 

Think of the Human Game as an astrology-based reality role playing game. 

It’s a game, so the point is to have fun. It’s a role playing game because you play the role of your character — the hero of the Story of Your Life. You get to choose your own adventure. Much like fantasy role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, your character has a set of skills and attributes. As you overcome obstacles and gain experience, you can uplevel your character to become more powerful and accomplish bigger and better goals. Unlike fantasy role-playing games, the Human Game turns your entire reality into a game. 

You’re not navigating a fantasy world of swords and sorcery and you’re not battling virtual terrorists.

You’re confronting the perils of a Monday morning staff meeting—and you’re using tools and strategies from your unique birth chart to WIN. 

You can experience this in The Human Game Experience: The Quest for Happiness, an 8-week online reality role playing game that combines video tutorials, written game play objectives, personal coaching, and community support.

You’ll create a Happiness GPS that uses astrology and your unique birth chart to give you turn-by-turn directions to the best possible outcome in any situation. 

You’ll use the Value Compass to find your purpose and stay connected to what matters the most to you so you can keep your eye on the prize. 

And you’ll work with a map of the City of Your Life to help you explore the potential of the Story of Your Life and win the prizes of the Human Game. 

Learn more (and experience this for yourself) at

Videos available at

Sample Interview Questions and Discussion Topics

Why are stories so important?

How does the Human Game work with the different levels of story?

What’s the difference between a problem and an obstacle?

How do you solve the happiness problem?

How do you win the Human Game? 

How is the Human Game a reality role playing game? 

What does astrology have to do with the Human Game?

About Kevin B. Burk

Kevin B. Burk is the Headmaster of The Real Astrology Academy and the creator of the Human Game. He has been counseling and coaching as an astrologer since 1998, teaching astrology since 2000, and is the author of more than a dozen books.

His website, offers options to learn the Human Game with the Astrology and the Human Game: Foundations of Happiness class and the free Human Game Introduction class, and The Human Game Experience: The Quest for Happiness.

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