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Ken Stearns

“I am a retired executive that quit to pursue my dreams of traveling the country meeting people, hearing their stories.”


About Me

A writer, podcast creator & host, lyricist, photogrpaher. A well traveled and seasoned midwestern kid. Begining my third act in this life for myself and in that others. Traded in my suit for a van, a mic and some questions. 

Here I am roughly 12 months into this journey and it's given me so much more than I imagined. 200 guests walking throw the most intimate questions obout their views on life has been amazing. 

This alone is powerful, w all the small stories of human tragedy, overcoming life and finding our way as humans. Let alone my own story of risking all i have saved and built to chase my own dreams. 

I had a great run as an insurance executive in Asia, so many great experiences to draw from. This itself is a great interview on so many topics and have a book in the works. 

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