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Profile artwork for Keirra Woodard

Keirra Woodard

“I’m looking for collaborations and potentially to be a guest on podcasts that feature SaaS marketers (especially from B2B startups)”


About Me

B2B SaaS Podcast marketer / Owner of Forward Launch, and host of Forward Launch Your SaaS - a podcast that features top marketing executives of B2B SaaS startups who share the insights they gained from growing their business.

I’m looking for collaborations, ad swaps and to be a guest on podcasts in the SaaS space

I’m looking to collaborate with shows...

  • that feature SaaS marketers as guests. I want to form a collaboration where we help each other find relevant guests for our respective shows.
  • that ideally focus on B2B and/or startups
  • that care about ethical marketing and/or social impact

A few topics I can speak to as a guest:

  • Marketing for software startups, especially Business-to-Business (B2B) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies
  • Marketing / growth / inbound marketing / content marketing tactics for scaling SaaS startups that have at least a little traction and have achieved product-market fit (e.g. Series A or later if funded)

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