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Katie McLaughlin

“I help mid stage startups create thriving, high-performing teams and collaborative work environments that help people do their best work.”


About Me

After more than 10 years in technology startups, I’ve seen how difficult it can be to grow and scale a company while also creating a workplace environment where people are enabled to operate at their highest level. I learned a key truth to achieving business results while balancing the needs of your employees - happy teams are high performing teams. And, high performing teams attract high performing talent. 

Through building and delivering new hire training, executing change management plans, integrating an acquisition, and coaching managers & agents, I have been in the trenches alongside leaders like you working to drive outcomes and transform behavior. People aren’t motivated by benefits, perks, and competitive salary. Those are table stakes and a list of company values isn’t going to convince them otherwise.  

I can give you a perspective that other executive coaches can’t — to see yourself how your employees do. Drawing upon my background in theater, I’ve developed methods that help founders, leaders, and teams develop tangible skills and behaviors that transform team results. 

McLaughlin Method

Startups and theater have a lot in common. I would know. I spent 10 years in theater and then transitioned to working at startups leading teams through change for over a decade. It was then that I saw how my theater background served as the perfect foundation to thrive in startup environments. Much like theater, startups operate best with individuals who can anticipate what might be next, quickly read a situation and respond accordingly, own their role while also being hyper tuned into their team members, and the ability to pivot with ease when things go off plan. 

In 2020, I launched The McLaughlin Method to help founders and startups create a culture that fuels growth. Culture is often seen as a “nice to have” and is reserved for when you’ve reached a level of growth as a company. The problem with that approach is company culture will be created with or without you.

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