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Kara Zebrowski

“I help midlife women turn their second act into a power play. Unleash your inner potential and create a life you love!”


About Me

I am proud to be a 60-year-old woman who is a wellness coach, retreat leader, educator, certified yoga instructor, and personal trainer as well as an overcomer. 

I was born into a cult in rural East Texas and lived a very sheltered life in my formative years. When my father moved our family to Los Angeles due to a job transfer when I was 13 it felt devastating. Little did I know that this big-city exposure would open my eyes to a whole new world, which in turn would lead me to a whole lot of questions. That questioning and curiosity along with my own natural tendency of determination and unwillingness to accept the status quo would lead me to leave the cult at age 17.

Having the courage to overcome has served me well as I’ve journeyed through life. I had to reinvent myself in a new career in my early 40s, I’ve fought through bouts of depression since I was 45, and I’ve dealt with prolonged periods of unemployment for my husband who is now in unwanted early retirement. These things along with serving women through my business for over 23 years and hearing so many of their stories lead me to my life’s calling of working with women in the midlife years and beyond.

My expertise lies in empowering women to break free from the shackles of societal expectations that have been ingrained in them since childhood. I guide them towards achieving a greater sense of self-assurance and self-respect which enables them to confidently establish healthy boundaries and effectively communicate their thoughts and opinions. I work with them to take charge of their overall well-being, not just physical health, but also their emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Encouraging them to identify and stay true to their core values so that they can lead an authentic life is a priority. And finally, I motivate them to create a life that is rich in passion, purpose, and fulfillment.

In my spare time, I love to travel with my husband of 40 years, spend time with my daughter and my grandsons, go on fun adventures around my city with my girlfriends, play pickleball, line dance, eat delicious nutritious food, and drink wine.

I would love the opportunity to have a discussion with you around these topics that I've mentioned so that we can help women drop their limiting beliefs, gain clarity, and know that there are tools and other women out there who are dedicated to helping them thrive!

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Wellness Coach for Midlife Women - Reshape Midlife

Get the support you need to thrive in midlife with Reshape Midlife, wellness coach, retreat leader & yoga instructor. Dedicated to helping women in midlife & beyond.

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