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Joy Limaco

“Empathetic parent & life juggler. Navigating the beautiful chaos of family life, with love, laughter, and a touch of wisdom. ๐Ÿ’–”


About Me

My personal insights on parenting and family dynamics, practical strategies. To inspire and empower others on their journey through parenthood and family life.

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Kitties Diary Cat

Hi there! We welcome your suggestions and contributions or tips or even products that will help, protect and nourished our favorite pet cat. We started from 1 pet cat and as the days go by there's growth of our pet cat's family and gaining new members from stray's that never left and join the Clowder. Hence Kitties Diary Cat was created that day the first video was posted in this channel and each moment on each event.. each passing day.. How we cherish the moments. Making them no different as part of our life, a family it will forever cherished. Not just a pet but on how we put and gave time, care, love and life reflects on how responsible we are. Any creature or thing, big or small, see how they grew... in your heart there's a diary created specially for the dearest one. Follow Us Spotify:

Profile artwork for Joy Limaco
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