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Joseph J. Jordan

“Author of the No 1 Amazon best selling fantasy trilogy in the UK & USA ‘The British Empire of Magic’.”


About Me

Joseph J. Jordan began his early life in the isolated area of North Devon 'Woody Bay' where he lived with his family. Spending most winters touring the world with his mothers singing career (Elkie Brooks) until he was 17 years old but it wasn't until he was 33 that he started his writing career self-publishing his first novella The British Empire of Magic. After receiving five star reviews and DM’s of support for including an LGBTQ protagonist within the story.

The release of his second novella The Dark Knights' King ( the second book of The British Empire of Magic trilogy) scored the Number 1 spot on the Amazon Hot New Releases chart in both the UK and USA and reaching Number 2 on the best sellers genre specific chart. This resulted in book 1 becoming an Amazon number 1 best seller. In December 2021 the third and final book of The British Empire of Magic - Rise of a Fallen Empire went straight to number 1 on the Amazon best seller chart and remained at number 1 on the hot new release chart for 4 weeks.

Joseph is currently working on a brand new fictional trilogy called The Clima-Race to be published in 2022

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