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John Wayne S. III

“Divorced filmmaker with a quick wit, engaging conversation, and a passion for politics, sci-fi, cooking, and global travel. Proud father.”


About Me

John Wayne S. III (JW) is a consummate storyteller, producer, and director, boasting an illustrious career in the entertainment industry over two decades. His unique blend of film and music expertise has endowed him with an exceptional ability to craft narratives that captivate audiences.

JW's venture into the entertainment world began modestly as a production assistant on George Tillman's debut film, "Scenes for the Soul." This early exposure ignited his passion for filmmaking, setting the foundation for a remarkable career path.

Fueled by relentless ambition, JW seized an opportunity to collaborate with Grammy-nominated producer Steve "Silk" Hurley. Initially serving as a publicist, JW's unwavering commitment and innate talent quickly elevated him to Director of International A&R. In this capacity, he managed agent teams across the United Kingdom and Japan, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the global music landscape.

Returning to his roots in media production, JW founded his production company, channeling his wisdom and expertise into bringing compelling narratives to life. His portfolio includes an impressive collection of 200 music videos for esteemed domestic and international artists. Furthermore, JW's success extends to the production of five feature films: "Red All Over," "Ebony Hustle," "Plugged," "False Profit," and "Ebony Hustle Ballistic Protection," solidifying his position as a commanding force in the industry.

With a wealth of experience, unwavering passion, and an uncompromising dedication to excellence, JW continuously pushes creative boundaries, consistently delivering top-tier storytelling with universal resonance.

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