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John Paseo

“A spiritual entrepreneur on a journey of deeper meaning.”


About Me

I’ve lately been drawn and obsessed with the Idea of being on a podcast, or maybe starting my own. I feel my openness, communication, and story have a purpose to help people.

I grew up a military brat in what I thought was your normal family with 3 brothers. We certainly struggled financially and my parents couldn’t be more opposite, which led to an interesting upbringing! I cherish my childhood despite its negative affects because at very least they taught me valuable lessons and contributed to who I am today.

My father was autistic (something we didn’t know until later) with a very rough upbringing and spent 44 years in the military as did his father and his father, and with a family of all boys, there was an overdose of traditional and often toxic masculinity. My mother was raised in a small French town by a nun with 14 siblings and extremely strict rules.

My brothers were my most under appreciated and best part of my upbringing, especially since we were always moving. My father pushed what his father pushed for us to follow in his footsteps, except I ostracized myself for a bit to break that cycle and bounced my way into entrepreneurship.

It was a long way to success with many ups and downs only to find out it wasn’t what we are led to believe. The journey was long and I touched both ends from homelessness to luxury cars and first class life. I broke laws and saved lives, and had to overcome many emotional challenges along the way. My youngest brother took his own life spiralling the rest of my life to make sense of what my purpose was. I suffered my own depressions I thought I wouldn’t escape, rebuilding my business many times, went through spiritual awakenings and complications from COVID, ultimately to losing my best friend and Idol to the battle of depression, losing my path and understanding of life. I went through severe drug addiction, bad decisions, criminal activities, and extremely toxic and abusive relationships. I was Always wondering how I got there, and if there was anything left for me, and eventually hit absolute rock bottom.

Amazingly, this journey led to many lessons and completely changing who I am as a person. I feel somewhere I barely survived getting a second chance and got back in touch with spirituality with a divine connection to the universe and its plans.

Today I am still learning and growing with a perspective of love and understanding for all people through our individual journeys in this world. I excel in giving people comfort and acceptance, and seek to follow my intuition to play my part in the lives around me.

I love diving into the possibilities of our existence, new theories, science, physics, and faith. I feel anyone I meet helps me as much as I help them, and connecting together to find our path to happiness and fulfillment.

I can’t fully explain why I feel a calling to getting on podcasts, in fact I’m quite busy and still manage multiple businesses, but I know there’s an answer I’ll eventually discover!

Overall I’m actually quite a goofy and fun person who loves to laugh and make memories! If you’ve actually made it to this part of my profile well I’m sure it wasn’t for nothing so let’s connect and see what great things come out of it! Happy success!

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