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John Christian

“Self-published author, music composer, and podcaster”


About Me

I am a retired film and television editor/producer. I wrote my first book in 2015 called Unfolded and Grown: The Final Act of Varoshi Fame. It was a companion to a double album of the same name. In 1985 I founded the industrial ensemble Varoshi Fame. It gain significant popularity in the Toronto area at first and then spread out to other urban centers. In 1988 we did our Canadian tour, followed by a smaller US tour. In 1992 I became a Christian. In 2003 I left the church. I remained a deist until 2015, when I concluded that I am in fact an atheist. That was impetus for me to compose the music for the album and also to write the book. In 2017 I suffered a brain aneurysm while I still lived in Toronto. The medical staff saved my life and I survived the ordeal, though it ended my career. We owned a small house in Windsor, Nova Scotia, so we moved there. In 2019 I started writing the fictional fantasy, The Way to Kialo. That became book 1 of The Kialo Trilogy, which was finished in January 2023. During that same time I wrote a memoir of sorts called Subversive: my life as an artist. In 2022 I started a podcast called Tell Me About Your Book, where I speak with self-published authors about their work. I am a passionate artist who is always thinking of ways to express what I think and feel about the world I live in. The main element that I promote is love.

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