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Jock Brocas

“I will take you on a warrior journey to transform your life on every level. A dynamic guest featured globally in international media.”


About Me

A Dynamic Spiritual Warrior.

I am The Exponential Coach to Coaches, Leaders and Change makers. A visionary whose mission is to help individuals realize their greatest potential through spiritual awareness.

I am also a best-selling author, Spiritual Business Coach and a successful entrepreneur. I have also been successful in establishing global award-winning media and have consulted for business executives and large corporations worldwide.

Many show hosts ask me to come back as i have strong fearless personality that brings a fresh natural flow to any conversation, whilst being compassionate and respectful.

I have a funny personality and my clients have dubbed me;

The Yoda Of Spiritual Marketing

They even got a Caricature of me as Yoda Jock!

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