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Jennifer Fink

“Aging well & brain health are becoming much more mainstream concerns. I'm one place to get info on both.”


About Me

My Mom had Alzheimer’s for 20 years, from the time I was in my early 30s till she passed in 2020. Navigating this disease through the many stages taught me a lot but I still needed to learn more. In late 2017 I went looking for a podcast for dementia caregivers, but there was only one and it wasn't my cup of tea so I created what I needed.

Two-hundred plus interviews later, I"m still learning how to be a better caregiver. After Mom died, I decided I would become the best "caregiver to the caregivers". Since I am still learning good things, I know my audience is learning good things. Now I want to expand that and share what I've learned, share my journey with other audiences.

I'm also a semi-retired portrait photographer, baker and crafty person. All of these "skills" helped me navigate caregiving, the pandemic and life in general.

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