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Jeff Wickersham

“I help people understand it’s not only possible to rebuild their lives after hitting rock bottom, but that it doesn’t have to take as long”


About Me

The secret of my success is my own harrowing and humbling experience with rock bottom just a few years ago. I was battling addiction and substance abuse. My marriage was on the brink of divorce. My business was crumbling. I was in financial ruin approaching bankruptcy. I had tried all the ‘quick fixes’ I’d seen to no avail. But I was determined this wouldn’t be how my story ended. And I was committed to doing the work it took to make sure of it.

In just 18 months, I elevated every single area of my life to a level of success greater than I’d ever known in the past. It turns out, the ‘quick fixes’ that are so glaringly missing from the wellness industry are consistency and accountability.

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