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Jay Allen, Ph.D

“Jay Allen, Ph.D, is a unique kind of psychologist. Besides that, he loves having conversations about everyday life; he can BS with the best.”


About Me

Time for a Psychologist to be on your show

Jay Allen, Ph.D, is a world renowned psychologist inside of the safety space. Dr. Allen is mostly known for his work with Human Organizational Performance and the creation of Safety FM (Broadcast Station and Podcast Network).

Besides the creation of Safety FM, Dr. Allen hosts two shows, The Jay Allen Show, and The Rated R Safety Show. Both shows are extremely different from each other. During both shows Dr. Allen shows his wide range of speaking with academics to line level employees in an interview style show on The Jay Allen Show.

The Rated R Safety Show is a no holds barred to the world of safety. Where Dr. Allen takes the approach of pushing away the corporate bull sh*t and discusses what's truly on his mind.

With Jay Allen, Ph.D, as a guest on your show, you truly will get the best of both worlds. He can take the academic approach or just have an everyday chat.

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