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Jason Duprat

“Hi! 👋🏻 I am Jason A. Duprat, an Award-winning Healthcare Business Consultant and host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy podcast.”


About Me


I truly enjoy sharing the lessons I’ve learned during my journey to help others learn about healthcare entrepreneurship. My goal has always been clear: To help healthcare professionals achieve massive freedom and success through business ownership. 


I am passionate and knowledgeable about Ketamine Therapy. More than 500 medical providers have discovered the benefits of ketamine and have learned how to start and grow their practices through the Ketamine Academy. 


Over a few short years, I have experienced great success with online courses - two courses have generated more than a million in sales each. I am knowledgeable about leveraging business expertise to educate others, generate revenue, and meet growth goals. 


With more than 270+ episodes and 100 guest interviews, I understand the value of podcasting to build brand awareness. He’s mastered what it takes to successfully run a podcast show, including how to streamline the production process.

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