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Jason Barnard

“I am super enthusiastic to share with your audience what I know about brand marketing online and also punk-folk music, cartoons for kids...”


About Me

Author and Digital Marketer

I am an author and digital marketing consultant. My first book, The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business, was published in January 2022.

My fave topic

Google is your new business card
What appears when someone googles your brand name (or personal name is fundamentally important to you and your business. Make it accurate, positive and convincing.

22 years in digital marketing. I can talk about anything in that field. BUT, this is my #1 favourite topic.

Boring? Absolutely not - it is actually stunningly interesting :)

Unimportant? 100% the opposite - once you start thinking about it, you'll see why I am so obsessed :)

Commonplace? Nope. Unique. As far as I know I am the only person in the world specialising in this.

Always keeping it interesting


8 years a Punk-Folk Musician

In the 90s - Double bassist and singer in a folk-punk band touring Europe. 600 concerts, 40,000 albums sold, 200,000 people saw the band.

10 years as a Blue dog

In the noughties - Starred in a cartoon TV series for kids produced by ITV INternational and aired in 15 countries. The accompanying website peaked at 5 million visits and 100 million pageviews / month in 2007.

12 years on a desert island

Well, Mauritius, off the coast of Africa. But you don't get much closer these days. A stunningly interesting story, and a lot of interesting banter to be had there!

Never had a proper job

I've always been part of the gig economy (especially appropriate term during my time as a professional musician :)

Does that make for a great conversation?

My bet is that it does. Interesting, intelligent and fun!

If you think so too, please do ask me on your show and we can have a groovy conversation :-)

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