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James Darnborough

“My book, The Gambler's Game, is about the American who broke the bank in Monte Carlo playing roulette in 1908.”


About Me

Born in London, I have lived and worked in the media business in the UK, South Africa, Australia and currently live in Los Angeles. It was suggested to me that I write a screenplay about the real-life midwestern baseball player who became the only American to break the bank at Monte Carlo at the turn of 20th Century. It is such an incredible story that I spent three years researching and writing a 400-page historical fiction novel about it . It is called The Gambler's Game and will be available on February 12, 2024.

This has provided me with insight into baseball and gambling in the old west to Gilded-Age New York, Edwardian London and Belle Epoque Monte Carlo. For my research, I have met some amazing people in Mexico City, Colorado, Illinois, London and Monte Carlo.

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