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Helen Bennett

“Food Freedom & Beyond 🚀 Let's chat yo yo dieting, compulsive overeating, food obsession, body shame ... and how to break free from it all!”


About Me


Helen here, a straight-talking coach who helps binge eaters, bulimics & "grey area disordered eaters" all over the world, regain control and create a healthy relationship with food again.

Compulsive eating often hides in the shadows. It's the dark secret of the people you'd least expect. The silent shame carried by many hardworking individuals who are outwardly disciplined, but who are losing control with food behind closed doors.

I was no different.

For 20 years I was trapped in a terrible vicious cycle that many can relate to:

Start with good intentions.

Lose control and eat to excess. 

Feel terrible guilt and shame.

Try to undo the damage (extreme restriction, over exercising, purging)


And almost nobody knew.

The problem is that much traditional (ahem, old school) advice on how to stop compulsive eating is completely impractical and ineffectual. Which leaves people feeling even more broken and ashamed.

And the truth is that changing compulsive eating behaviours can be harder than giving up alcohol or cigarettes.

Harder still because we live in a world that relentlessly encourages us to do the very things that are aggravating the problem!

Let's open up this conversation to all those listening who are silently struggling with compulsive eating.

We can chat about what's driving their behaviours, and I can give your audience a bunch of practical tools and mental mastery tips to help them break free of food compulsion - for good.


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Coach Helen Bennett | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

End compulsive eating (w/out diets) using practical tools & deep mental mastery.

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