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Gregory Hall

“I'm the host of the Rethinking Scripture podcast where I encourage people to rethink what they thought they already knew about the Bible.”


About Me

Gregory D. Hall is first and foremost a husband (to my first wife… and high-school sweetheart) and father (to two “twenty-something” young men). I host the Rethinking Scripture Podcast where I challenge people to rethink what they thought they already knew about the Bible.

My first book Rethinking Rest: Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working launches January of 2023. It applies recent biblical scholarship to the tired topic of biblical rest. The conclusions are revolutionary.

I’ve been a college athlete (football/basketball/baseball), public school teacher, real estate broker/investor, board president, small business entrepreneur, ordained minister, and a university professor (George Fox UniversityCorban UniversityReach Training Institute). This medley of life experiences has meshed nicely my biblical training (MA in Theological Studies and Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Preaching and Teaching), producing a unique perspective on some of life’s most important themes.

I’ve also had the privilege of taking several tour groups to Israel & Jordan. A trip like that radically changes the way one reads and understands Scripture. Those trips, and the training I’ve had in the Greek and Hebrew languages, have really opened my eyes to the theological “man behind the curtain”.

I teach whenever I can, enjoy swimming laps, and don't spend enough time at the Oregon coast. I’m excited to share somewhat unique thoughts about the liminal ministry of the incarnate Christ.

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