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Profile artwork for Floyd Marinescu

Floyd Marinescu

“Co-founder & CEO C4Media (QCon &, Angel Investor, Non-profit founder ( & UBI Works).”


About Me

Floyd is CEO and co-founder of C4Media, which provides software development news and learning events serving 1.2 million online on, and 8,000 attendees annually via QCon conferences in SF, NY, London, Beijing, Shanghai, and Sao Paulo. Floyd is an angel investor in over a dozen startups and has built teams and businesses in the US, Canada, China, Brazil, and Europe. 

Floyd is founder and primary donor to UBI Works, a basic income advocacy organization that has grown into a network of over 100,000 basic income supporters across Canada and publishing content seen over 1 million times a month. In 2018, Floyd organized 120 Canadian CEOs to sign a letter endorsing basic income in Canada. 

His latest initiative, Common Wealth Canada raises awareness for a land value tax as a solution to the housing crisis, and the creation of a sovereign wealth fund that could pay all Canadians dividends.

Contact: floyd [at]

Twitter (X): @floydmarinescu

Discover More

Basic Income and the New Golden Age of Capitalism | Floyd Marinescu | TEDxWindsor

Technology created the middle class and now it is destroying it. A universal basic income could preserve and expand a middle class way of life for everyone,...

How we get to a Star Trek economy | Andrew Yang | Yang Speaks

Floyd Marinescu is the founder of UBI Works, an organization that advocates for UBI in Canada. In this thought-provoking episode, Marinescu explores the idea...

Andrew Yang - UBI Works Special Mention on CBC Radio (May 14, 2020)

Former US Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang gave UBI Works and our founder, Floyd Marinescu a special shout out on CBC Radio's The Current. 😀In this interv...

CEOs for Basic Income — Statements Highlights

2 minute highlights of statements from the press launch for the 100 CEOs for Basic Income Letter Launch Event that occurred October 18, 2018 at the Queens Pa...

Floyd Marinescu on UBI & Automation at 2020 Ontario Liberal Party Convention

For more on UBI Works at the Ontario Liberal Party Convention: March 7, 2020, more than 2,000 political delegates attended ...

Why this CEO wants Basic Income in Canada

Basic income gives everyone the opportunity to pursue their potential in life.Our founder Floyd Marinescu shares his story as a successful entrepreneur and w...

The Business Case for Basic Income - CBC Radio Interview with Floyd Marinescu (Whiteboard Animation)

Basic Income is a pro-growth, pro-business economic stimulus, as well as realizing the compassionate potential of capitalism. For an expanded article version...

UBI Works Founder Floyd Marinescu Interview | CBC CrossTalk with Adam Walsh

Universal Basic Income... what is it? What could it mean for you? Do you think we should have it in NL? With guests Floyd Marinescu (UBI Works founder) and ...

Why The World Needs Universal Basic Income ft. Floyd Marinescu | Ep. 5

Floyd Marinescu is the founder and CEO of UBIWorks, Common Wealth, C4Media, QCon, InfoQ, and a leading advocate of Universal Basic Income.🚀 Twitter: https:/...

100 Canadian CEOs urge Doug Ford to rescue Ontario’s basic income project

“Basic income will go right back into local businesses,” the CEOs wrote in an open letter to Queen’s Park urging Doug Ford and Social Services Minister Lisa MacLeod to reverse their decision to shutter the program, launched in 2017 by the previous Liberal government.

Profile artwork for Floyd Marinescu
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