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Evan Dvorkin

“I launched a 6 figure marketing company with my wife and developed my dream of being a professional photographer/videographer along the way.”


About Me

I left college halfway through to move to Maryland and work with my brother at his restaurants. I started our serving tables and bartending and eventually made the transition to beverage director. This would normally be a dream job for someone. I was literally spending my days making up new cocktails and developing drink lists. All the while, working with family. But it wasn't my dream, it wasn't my passion. I knew I had to change things up and push towards something I really loved.

My wife Megan, was working at an ad agency and also helping out our friend's yoga studio grow through marketing. As the story goes one friend turned to two then we realized we might have a way to start and grow our own thing.

I always loved photography but up to that point, I never thought of it generating an income. We decided to offer high-end photos to clients as part of our marketing packages and the rest is history...

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