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Eric Brazau

“Debating True or false Islam is not relevant. What do the vast majority of Muslims believe. What does that contribute to Civilization.”


About Me

Islam is Not a Muslim nor is a Muslim Islam

I specialize in helping people accept the reality of Islam’s contribution to Western Civilization. What is this reality? Reality of Islam in the West is what Muslim leaders in the West say the reality of Islam is. My book “Muslim Reformers vs. Fundamentalist” makes clear what 97% of Muslim leaders say Islam is

Progressive Liberal Islam is the preferred Islam of non-Muslims.

It could be argued that preferring an Islamic narrative is a form of Islamophobia? To prefer one is to reject the other.  Is it acceptable to reject “Fundamental or Extreme” Islam?

All books on Islam are either pro or anti Islam. My book is neither. It simply presents the teachings and wisdoms of the two sides of the debate. However, it does not matter who is right or wrong or who represents the TRUE Islam. All that matters is what does the Muslim community believe and what will they act upon.

Does the community lean more toward the Progressive Reformers or the Fundamentalists? One of these voices dominates the hearts and minds of the community. That voice dictates what the Muslim community contributes to the cultural enrichment Canada, America and Europe. 

Muslim Reformers vs. Fundamentalists: Winner Contributes to Diversity Multicultural Enrichment: Brazau, Eric: 9781777872328: Books -

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