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Elena Small

“What's it like to have your husband come out as transgender? I bring personal experience and also coach people with transgender loved ones”


About Me

I am a life coach who runs Love in Transition Coaching, helping clients navigate their own identities and relationships after their partner, spouse, or other loved one comes out as transgender.

My co-parent and partner, Harper, came out to me as a transgender woman four years ago. Supporting her through all elements of her gender transition, from her name change to hormones to surgery, gave me a rare window into this beautiful, delicate process. I am so grateful to have her in my life. Her gender journey meant, though, that I struggled to find my own footing as a cis woman who was no longer in the heteronormative family I thought I was.

Harper is also available as a podcast guest or to provide insight and commentary.

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Love in Transition | Transgender Family Support

Love In Transition Life Coaching for People with Transgender Loved Ones and Transgender Allies LGBTQIA+

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