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Edward Southwick

“"America's Happiness Coach"- at 68, I run a 5:30 mile etc. I also teach Super Health. See new book "Become a Happiness Millionaire Today!"”


About Me

I just published a book titled, "Become a Happiness Millionaire Today!" I also wrote a happiness book in Japan 25 years ago and was a semi-regular on a popular Japanese TV program and had my own radio spot. In addition, I wrote for a column which became the number one relationship column in Japan. I've taught hundreds of group lessons on happiness in America and done speeches and seminars for thousands, including Amazon. Business wise, I've sold $50 million in real estate/investments and done significant business consulting. I sincerely desire to make a positive difference in the world (and I really do care about people). I'm very happy and in amazing health at 68. I can run a 5:30 minute mile, do 20 pullups etc. (and have a heart rate of 45 bpm, blood pressure 105/60 and 903 testosterone level). Many say I'm very convincing with some very unique and logical explanations on happiness and health (and also including political issues that usually divide people). In Summary- I'm a living example of what I teach in Happiness and Health. My expertise is happiness and health which I can discuss from many angles/areas (see my book with 100 chapters), but I can also convincingly discuss a range of issues and simplify often confusing topics. Also, see my website, for more information and testimonials.

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