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Dr. Veirdre Jackson

“Over my 20+ years, it has been my passion to deeply impact others with engaged teaching, committed leadership, and effective partnerships.”


About Me

"There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you deserve." ~ Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela's quote has been a part of my professional mission since the first day I stepped into a classroom. Over the years, whether in the classroom or the administrative office, it has been my passion to deeply impact others with engaged teaching, committed leadership, and effective partnerships to provide a learning environment that promotes promise and boundless opportunity. As a professional committed to enhancing the capacity and impact of educators with evidence-based approaches to reach children and youth exhibiting symptoms triggered by adverse childhood experiences, I have served as a community advocate launching initiatives geared to shift approaches to authentic change.

As an award-winning author, educator, and entrepreneur, my 20+ years of experience have allowed me to cultivate leaders, forge community-based initiatives, and implement relationship-based programs that deeply impact professionals, families, and children from the inside out.

As the CEO/Founder of Living Strong Consulting, I have the privilege of influencing teams and leaders to look deeply at their organization from the lens of 7 Pillars of Abundant Living for individual and organizational strength: finances, skills, relationships, mindset, emotions, health, and faith.

I am a highly sought-after keynote speaker and consultant, working with organizations like Lakeside Global Institute as a mentor trainer; Penn State Extension as an online course developer; Pennsylvania Early Head Start as a classroom and home visiting coach; Zero to Three as a Certified trainer in Infant Toddler Competencies and the Growing Brain; and various K-12 public and charter school districts as an Equity and Justice Consultant and Relational Coach. My commitment to leaders and organizational development is elevated through my John Maxwell Team Certification which allows me to support leaders in sustaining growth and maintaining mission through trainings, mastermind sessions, lunch & learns, and coaching.

My award-winning 2019 book and video series Fearless Conversations with a Limitless God provides insight on addressing the challenges to breaking the cycle of toxic thoughts that keep women in “hiding places”, and my Radio Show - Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity gives life, space and awareness to the truth that with support, a healthy mindset, and faith there is a flip side to every story.

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Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity

Resilience isn’t about bouncing back, but bouncing forward. Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity brings powerful stories and fearless conversations from experts in the field of business

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