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Dr. Steve Yacovelli

“Leadership, Diversity, Change, LGBTQ+ Advocacy, Entrepreneur, Author/Speaker ... all in a 1-part Rock Star & 2-parts Nerd ... w/ a twisted!”


About Me

Dr. Steve Yacovelli (a.k.a. "The Gay Leadership Dude™") is an expert in diversity and inclusion, change management, and leadership. His consulting firm, TopDog Learning Group, works with both Fortune 500s and not-for-profit organizations to bring about a more inclusive and effective workplace. An award-winning author, speaker, and catalyst, Steves latest book, "Pride Leadership" is helping both LGBTQ+ and Ally leaders be even more awesome. Steve and his pack of TopDoggers’ not-so-hidden agenda is to make the world a bit more inclusive for us all.

KEYWORDS: leadership diversity change management LGBT LGBTQ unconscious bias resilience entrepreneur author speaker

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