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Diana Koenning (Lee)

“I am a speaker and best selling author of the memoir, Silently Said - A Journey Through Illness and Addiction. I carry a passion healing.”


About Me

My author name is Diana Lee - official name is Diana Koenning.

I am a best selling author of my first memoir, Silently Said - A Journey Through Illness and Addiction. This book chronicles my first 25 years of life. My mother was diagnosed with a rare brain atrophy with no name on December 10, 1978 - I was just 9 months old. As the youngest of four children, I ended up assuming the "mother" role for myself and my siblings. My dad was neglectful and an alcoholic, leaving us to fend for ourselves, often with little or no food.

This book walks you through my chronic asthma experiences, where I am knocking on death's door due to a debilitating fear of asking my father for help. You will watch me grow as I find my way to saving myself, both physically and mentally.

I rebelled in my teen years, which made the relationship with my father complicated. My other had deteriorated with her illness, leaving her unable to recall even having me. She lost all her abilities because her brain was shrinking. She was placed in care when I was 7. I was not close to her since we could not cultivate a conventional mother/daughter bond. As I was gaining abilities, she was losing them.

In my early 20's I was faced with yet another blow when a sibling gets this same rare brain atrophy, and I become their caregiver. This left me more determined than ever to get the help my sibling needed and bring some long awaited for, answers.

This book takes you through some pretty dark and hard topics, but ones that many children face. This is why the book is moving into the Saskatchewan school system. I have presented to several schools and also their staff.

My second book, Silence Breaks - A Journey Home, details much grief as I face many significant loses by the time I'm 40. However, you will see me overcome challenges and discover who I truly am and what I want in life.

The common thread between both books is resilience - that you truly can persevere even against all odds.

I have been a guest on many podcasts, and am also a keynote speaker. If you feel I am a fit for your podcast, please reach out! I love sharing meaningful conversations filled with hope and inspiration!

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