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Den Burykin

“When Den Burkyin isn't advising big 4 banks, Qantas & Cuscal on tech, he's using personal connections to get Ukrainians out of harm's way.”


About Me

Den Burkyin is a Russian-born managing director of Fastlane Solutions, a tech consultancy based in Sydney, and also leads Wholesale Investors, a tech-focussed investment house geared towards startups.

He moved to Australia from his native Russia in 2000 with nothing and little English. Den has since built a business that now employs 40 people, servicing the big banks, Qantas and Cuscal. I asked him once why he decided to leave Russia and he said, "You need to be born there to understand".

He has a number of personal and business relationships between Russia and Ukraine. He's devastated by the whole invasion and calls Putin and "madman".

Den’s expertise lies in the way Australia’s payments system hangs together. He understands the technology investments that underpin the shifts in the market and how those decisions are now being wound back as trust evaporates from the industry.

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