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David Ross

“Me and a cricket bat -vs- 50 Antifa. Performed as Elvis in Vegas. Adopted at birth and reunited. Saved 100 homeless people and jailed a few.”


About Me

Specialty areas of interest and expertise:

Antifa / Anarchists - I made national news in a standoff with a cricket bat against 50 Antifa threatening the mayor's home in Olympia, WA.

Mental Health / Homelessness / Addiction - I spent 10 years working in psychiatric social work, crisis intervention, homeless outreach, and substance abuse treatment. An expert on what works and what doesn't, and why. From crime, to mass shootings, to mental illness, I'm interested and well versed on topics involving mental health. I'm also one 9 adopted kids, raised in a multiracial family, who searched for and found biological roots at age 21.

Social Issues / Political Correctness / Cancel Culture - I have come from the extreme far left, even attending The Evergreen State College, to a centrist political stance that often views sides of political divides with a unique or humorous perspective. Gender, race, crime, political extremism, and free speech are issues of interest. I also have the ultimate "walkaway" story: I attended Obama's inauguration on my honeymoon - but neither adventures was all it was hyped up to be.

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A Cricket Bat & Me -vs- 50 Antifa Anarchists

On Friday, June 12, 2020 vandals attacked the Olympia Mayor's house. I assertively asked them to stop. After having her house attacked, the mayor spoke out...

The David Ross Show

A former psychiatric social worker and homeless outreach case manager, now a documentary filmmaker, yoga teacher, personal trainer, and political commentator.

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