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David Marsh

“Filmmaker/Producer seeks answers to life's BIG questions! What's my purpose? Creates shows to entertain, educate and inspire.”


About Me

David Marsh grew up with a narrative of one life and then a religious judgement. In 2015, at the age of 45, he discovered NDE's, Ayahuasca and Hypnotherapy. This left him with enough evidence and experience to lay down that religious narrative and begin to explore and produce content about the big questions in life. He filmed over 100 episodes of his own video podcast YouTube show called EXPLORING THE HUMAN JOURNEY ( This was his education and his therapy!

Then his son died of a drug overdose which led to creating an award-winning film about scuba diving with wheelchair users called ADAPTING TO DIVE ( We are all adapting to something in life!

His latest project is a 20-episode Docuseries called JOURNEYS INTO THE SOUL ( which explores real people having real regression sessions in which they experience past lives, life between lives and find meaning, clarity and healing in their lives ( He traveled the world and produced this series that is now available on Amazon Prime: (

David is a filmmaker, a seeker, and a fun guest. His life experience has given him a unique perspective on life and a deep understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience playing this adventure game called the HUMAN JOURNEY! Enjoy The RIDE.

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Journeys Into The Soul

Journeys Into The Soul. A new documentary series helping people to understand life's deepest questions.


How Did We Get Here? | Exploring The Human Journey | United States

Conversations about Life, Death and the Spiritual world that invite you to release fear and live an extraordinary life! Join Dave & Gayle each week for a new show on Exploring The Human Journey.

You are a Spiritual being having a Human experience

Explore your Soul Journey

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