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David Loney

“Cofounder of a unique platform that completely rethinks the way we educate Medical Doctors, Physician Associates, and Nurse practitioners.”


About Me

Our team of more than 20 doctors have been secretly working to build a platform that greatly speeds learning and improves assimilation of knowledge for students of medicine.

The human body is the most complex entity in the entire universe. There are more than 10,000 know diseases and 4,000 medications. A medical journal article is published, on average, every 26 seconds; more than 5,000 medical journal articles are published per day.

From this vast information overload, students of medicine must waste more than half their valuable study time sourcing knowledge. As novices, they frequently do not know which information to source and study.

Knowledge Gap filling is the key to speeding the students assimilation of relevant knowledge without information overload.

Google killed the dewey decimal system and YouTube has revolutionized medical education.


watching a video still means sitting through several minutes of introduction, repetition of learning, and extraneous information the busy student does not need to study. Googled text must also be sifted through to find that one essential piece of knowledge–information overload that strains the learner's mental bandwidth and wastes precious time.


Having questions answered while solving a problem for a patient, when they are with the patient in clinic is by far the fastest and most effective way to learn–something the library setting, Google, or a textbook can never do. This role is ideally filled by the students preceptor, as they see patients together; but, that is unrealistic in a busy clinic setting.

By building a massive medical knowledge base right into an EMR (electronic medical record), the EMR is transformed into a living encyclopedia for the student. With one click on any concept, relevant, succinct knowledge pops up that answers their question–to fill the knowledge gap at the time and in the place they need it–in context.

Finally, this platform can help mend healthcare imbalances globally, saving lives. Imagine this tool in the hands of a health assistant in an impoverished rural community anywhere in the world. Imagine yourself in their situation, not knowing what disorder is ailing the patient in front of you but having the confidence that within your computer is the ability to diagnose, learn about the proper examination and tests, and understand how to treat, all within a couple of minutes, while with your patient. Revolutionary.

Discover More

For Students - EMRLD

As a student of medicine, what is your greatest need? Time? Assimilating the relevant knowledge fast while avoiding information overload is essential. Friends? Finding likeminded students who will help you is essential to making the journey lighter. Meaning? Centering learning around solving a patient's problem restores purpose and meaning to learning. Publish? Create your own

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