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David Goyes

“I am a criminologists expert on crime commission, victimisation, and life trajectories of offenders.”


About Me

David RodrĂ­guez Goyes is a Colombo-Norwegian writer and scholar focused on crime, violence, and victimhood. Goyes has interviewed hundreds of perpetrators, victims, and policymakers in the more than ten years he has worked in the field. He has published dozens of scientific articles based on the questions: why does crime happen? And what are its consequences? His latest book, Victimhood, Memory and Consumerism: Dealing with trauma in the aftermath of drug wars (Oxford University Press), exposes the scars narco-violence left in its victims.

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Academic Research on social conflicts | D.R.Goyes

D.R.Goyes: This website offers evidence-based knowledge to understand social conflict and socio-environmental conflicts.

David Rodriguez Goyes - Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law (IKRS)

Read this story on the University of Oslo's website.

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