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Dallen Reber

“Ex collegiate baseball player & former Sports Scientist. Amidst working with professional athletes I dropped it all to pursue my passion.”


About Me

How would I ever be able to tell my kids to pursue their dreams if I wasn't strong enough to pursue my own? This was the dilemma I was faced with after realizing my wife and I were expecting our second child. It hit me right in the face. This was the moment I knew I had to pivot.

2 years post-master's degree and working a job I liked, I was still missing something; fulfillment and purpose. It was at this time I decided to take a leap and go from "unhappily going through the motions" to "relentlessly pursuing my dreams".

It all started with my search for deeper meaning through journaling. I experienced a paradigm shift and realized that life isn't about what you do, rather, who you are. This projected me towards a series of events in pursuit of being my best self, today. And through my journey I have created the Self-Mastery Journal which includes a simplified format to journaling in order to discover your truest desires and to live them today.

Life is not to be pursued in hopes of achieving something 40 years from now, it is to be lived today, and there's no reason to delay.

Now my journey consists of spreading my message in hopes to help others experience the same paradigm shift I felt.

Thank you!

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