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Profile artwork for Cristina Santangelo

Cristina Santangelo

“I empower busy professionals to elevate their personal and professional image, enabling them to project a stronger public brand and image.”


About Me

Ciao! I am Cristina and I help busy individuals to elevate their personal and professional image. The clothes you wear speak volumes about who you are and, like it or not, they are an extension of yourself.

I am a certified Image Consultant and I specialize in working with busy professionals, C-suit executives, and entrepreneurs to help them project a stronger personal brand and public image.

For more than 20 years I have worked in the financial services industry in a competitive environment where I became very interested in power dynamics, particularly in the non-verbal expression of power through visual aesthetics and body language. In today fast-paced and competitive world where first impressions are formed in a matter of few seconds it is more important than ever to manage your image effectively.

My WHY is to:

inspire as many people as I can to look in the mirror and see the best version of themselves.

Elevate YOUR visual identity, Elevate YOUR self-perception.

We all make a statement with the way we dress and we behave. Your audience will learn how they can raise their ‘visual’ voice and learn how they can use their visual aesthetic and unique style to communicate who they are.

Size, age, and gender do not matter to me. I like to work with anyone who is willing to be unapologetically themselves and ready to start a journey of self-care.

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