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Christine Malone

“Author, educator, podcast host, and healthcare leader. I have books on many topics ranging from healthcare to grief and trauma.”


About Me

As a writer and editor, I have been recognized as an unparalleled authority in areas such as healthcare, healthcare administration, compliance, healthcare operations, and administrative medical assisting (to name a few). I have been the guest speaker at various events on healthcare issues and in continuing education meetings across Washington State. My input has been sought by legislative committees, editorial boards, and many policymakers. A nationally recognized healthcare reform advocate, I have appeared on the "Today Show," "NBC Nightly News, ABC Nightly News," the CBC's "The National," "The New York Times," "The Los Angeles"" Times," and on ""

I author blogs on leadership, self-care, and surviving loss. Though I have many professional textbooks, my autobiography was published in February 2023. That book, titled The Day I Became the Spider Killer, details my journey for trauma, tragedy and survival.

I have recently created a podcast called Good Grief, in which I not only share my own stories of loss and survival, but I also interview guests that have also gone through grief in some way. My hope is that by sharing our stories we can not only help ourselves, but others who may be going through similar situations as well.

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