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Chistina Levy

“I'm a working mom who inadvertently became a psychic phenomenon. Suddenly, I'm a medium, channeler, have all the "Claires" and so much more!”


About Me

One day I'm managing a typical suburban life with a full time career and busy family. The next day, I'm communicating clearly with a friend's dead grandmother. A month later I meet my spirit guides, and begin channeling a nonphysical group called "The White Light”.

Weeks later, while a friend is on a vacation, I realize can see where he is and SEE everything he is seeing, even though he's hundreds of miles away. Soon after this, I am standing in front of an old building and suddenly I'm there on the day it's being constructed. Days later, a friend loses her wallet and somehow I can tell her exactly where it is while we are on the phone in different cities. This has been my life for the last two years and it's much stranger than I can begin to explain. It’s been, well, UNIMAGINABLE!

So what is one to do when these powerful and incredible abilities come online spontaneously? I know there must be a purpose, a reason that is beyond just being an incredibly entertaining party trick. Could it be to tell the world that we're all connected, or that there is more to our reality than we know? Maybe our lives have a much deeper and richly nuanced meaning than our western society acknowledges? Perhaps it’s that we all possess these psychic and intuitive abilities and there’s a simple way to unlock them? I am certain it’s all of this and more.

I’ve become focused on sharing the story of my path and the practices I use that have led to my unimaginable life. I have co-created courses and meditation trainings based in the spiritual teachings of White Light. My partner, Gary Temple Bodley, allows me to appear on his very popular podcast “Joshua Live”, where I channel White Light to answer live questions from the audience. Occasionally, I conduct private readings where spirit guides and transitioned loved ones deliver powerful messages of life path guidance. Additionally my partner Gary and I host retreats and seminars where we offer practical, scientific and spiritual ways to raise perspective-which we’ve learned equals our vibration. We witness phenomenal shifts and life experience

My personal understanding of the mechanisms of this physical reality and our universe grows daily. I enjoy discussing these concepts in terms of quantum physics, Law of Attraction and even woo woo mysticism. I know that everyone can live the life they truly desire, regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs. There is a unique path to the unimaginable for each and every one of us, and I’m planning to light them all!


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Home - Christy Levy

About Christy Christy helps people discover and process the unseen causes of the insecurity, disharmony, imbalance and anxiety that are blocking them from their innate potential. Through life experience, you have created mental constructs that have become self-limiting. To experience the unimaginable, you must uncover, redefine and process beliefs that stand between you and everything […]

Christy Channels The White Light

In this episode, The White Light discuss the Law of Attraction and exactly how it works. Also in this episode, The White Light Explains that you are not your...

Mom and Dad introduce her to her spirit guides.

In this amazing episode, Christy brings in Paige's Mom and Dad who introduce her to her spirit guides.

Her Father comes through with a very special message and is hilarious!

Christy brings Emma's father in and he has a playful message for her. The ACTION acronym, is born! Plus several spirit guides who come to tell her she is a S...


Christy helps people discover and process the unseen causes of the insecurity, disharmony, imbalance, and anxiety that are blocking them from their innate po...

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