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Chase Friedman

“Empowering purpose-driven people and organizations, through strategic brand marketing, to profit with purpose... To do good AND do well. 🙏”


About Me

I believe in the inherent ability of all businesses and organizations to Do Good AND Do Well. To profit with purpose. My purpose as a Brand Strategist and Fractional CMO is guiding brands to unlock their greatest potential for growth and impact in the lives of their customers, communities, and the world.

I started my career as a storyteller, writing-directing-producing independent film, television and commercials before focusing this passion exclusively in the world of branding and marketing. In 2016, I founded Vanquish Media Group, with a mission to elevate premium brand content with digital marketing activation to cut through the ‘white noise’ of the digital landscape and inspire deeper connections with audiences and stakeholders. We have guided a diverse array of clients across multiple industries, from lean-startups to Fortune 500’s and non-profits, providing strategic brand leadership and management to unlock sustainable business growth and societal impact.

My mission continues as the Founder & CEO of Vanquish and Fractional CMO for select organizations in pursuit of a clarified brand identity, organizational growth and lasting impact for shareholders and stakeholders alike.

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