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Cat Hammons

“Accidental Renaissance Woman: Actor, Writer, Podcaster, Film Buff.”


About Me

1. Accidental Renaissance Woman

Along with Foley Marra Studios, I have produced 20+ short films. We started making films almost by mistake. In the beginning, we were an acting class who wanted to shoot some high-quality scenes for our acting reels. The assignment was to write short scripts and we would work as a crew on each other's films. One of the class members decided to send his short film/scene to a film festival on a lark where it was accepted. One festival became dozens, winning award after award. As more students submitted their films to festivals, those films were accepted as well. We became more organized and started producing more and more material. Our films have appeared in festivals around the world, winning numerous awards across a variety of categories.

During the pandemic, we turned to fiction podcasting, starting with "Quiet, Please", a reinterpretation of the popular radio show from the 1930's. In addition to appearing in several episodes as a performer, I also produced 20 episodes.

From the beginning, I had to teach myself new aspects of the industry to help get our films across the finish line. From catering to sound to acting to producing to developing, I became more and more proficient with each YouTube tutorial I slogged through. My plan had always been to simply be a performer, keeping away, to the best of my ability, from the parts of the business that looked hard (the parts of the business that looked hard to me were every part that wasn't acting).

2. Working Actor

I’ve been a working actor on stage and screen for nearly three decades. I am familiar with the ins and outs of the entertainment business and the art form of acting. I've appeared on a variety of television shows and in numerous stage plays. My most recent work is "For When You Get Lost", an award-winning film currently appearing in festivals around the world.

3. Working Writer

I have written short films, podcasts, and screenplays. My most recent project with my partner Andrea Geones, is "Valentine's Town", a family film airing in late summer, or early fall.

4. Podcaster - Ruppatahtah

I love podcasting, both as a guest and a host. The show I co-host with fellow actor and best friend, Kyra Groves is Ruppatahtah. It's a lifestyle/comedic podcast in which we talk about anything and everything. Kyra and I have been friends for almost twenty years and we have a lot to say as we watch the world change before our eyes.

5. Film Buff

I love talking about movies! Old movies and new. I majored in Film and Media Studies at Arizona State University because I am fascinated by every aspect of modern-day storytelling!

Discover More

Production Studio | Foley Marra Studios

Foley Marra Studios spontaneously rose from the imaginative minds of a group of actors, writers, directors, and producers, all looking for a place to tell “Stories Worth Being Told.” Led by the creative team of Megan Foley Marra and Chuck Marra, the production studio and acting class are thriving.


Listen to Ruppatahtah on Spotify. A view of the world through the lens of a very particular friendship, podcast style.

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